Tuesday, September 17, 2019

DEAL OF THE WEEK (9/17-9/22)

The SEGA Genesis Mini comes out this week, and we're all jazzed that people are excited for SEGA's best console (yeah we see you, Dreamcast)!

But we've got a deal for you if you want the real deal - actual carts you can hold in your hands.

Or, this deal is for you if you want to pick up some of the games that are notoriously absent from the classic line up (yeah, no one sees you Sonic 3).

Starting today and ending at close of business on Sunday, you can score a buy 2 get 1 free deal on all preowned SEGA Genesis games!

Nothing is held back, but our lawyers must remind you that the free item must be least the expensive item, and must be under $39.99.

Genesis did what Nintendon...didn't. Get in here today and relive the only console wars that counted.